Sunday, September 11, 2005



�����餃嗾������銝���湧�賣��銝����敺桀�������脤�喳�餃�寡翰���摮貊�����鈭箔��撅祉�萇����訾漱, ��餃飛蝧���餅�������梢�剔��鈭�. 閬�敺����靘�頨恍�����鈭粹�賜�步log��餃��鈭箏��鈭怎�����靘�, 撠望�����蝛嗥�������臬�行��閰脩�典����餌�箄�芸楛������瘣餌��銝�閮����, ��餃飛���鈭箏��鈭怠��? 撠�銝����撣������賢�∩�������剜��撠曄�����靘�隤芰�����憟賭撮閬�蝪賢��蝝�銝�璅�. ���������, 閬���臭��閬���唳����嗡��靘�, 隢�������������! =P


At 10:21 a.m. , Blogger Ada Benison said...

Same here. Hope we can have more and more 撅祉�萇����訾漱,���鈭�. Nice to know that you have your own Blog.

At 12:56 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice to know you have a blog too...thx, you can share yours to us and allow us get to know you more.....

At 9:12 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, good start! Lo Leg ah! We all here to learn and share!

At 11:27 p.m. , Blogger Carmen Mok said...

Dear Princess,

I always reserve my time to share with you in your blog. From time to time, I learned about myself by writing blog. You will find so much surprise in this online world. =)

At 12:24 a.m. , Blogger 公主 said...

Thank you for all of your encouragement. I'll lo leg la! =)


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