Monday, July 17, 2006

Typing in Chinese

:: Typing in Chinese ::

One of my friends said I must be busy these days because she hasn't seen me updating my blog. Am I busy? Not really, I think I'm still on my "lazy" mode after my Panama trip. Still not really into work nor tasks from church, which is sooo bad. =P I need to overcome this soon!

One of the things I hope I had during the Panama trip was to know how to type Chinese cuz I need others to help me entering the words before I create the power points. So I decided to pick up my Chinese typing book to regain this long last skill again! (Note: Words per minute is out of scope! =D) I completed lesson 1 from my book already! ^0^

I've turned on my "people-shy" personality since I returned from Panama. I didn't really want to hang out with anyone, but I have to keep my promise to "date" a friend for a meaningful discussion/ sharing once a week. So I keep it going anyway. I think as I aged, I'm becoming increasingly hesitate to just "hang" out with a butch of people. Life is too short and time is too precious. I don't want to just "hang" out with friends, but I wanna know them in depth more and really want to have a "spiritual" or "heart to heart" conversation. However, I found myself unable to have a meaningful discussion with >2 people at the same time, and realized that the more people there are, the more lonely and detached I felt. Not quite sure what the solution is, but my "date" plan will continue. =)



At 1:34 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

everyone really want to have sometime of lazy mood, even myself. :P
Since you had a lot before, and you really need some time to think, to rest and reschedule yourself. Which is a good.
do agree bunch of friends can't talk too much in depth, but just a activities to bump up together and laugh.
do appreciate we do have depth talk ^.^

At 11:19 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

aye ya ... finally see a update la! glad you are back on blog. and so in love with your new background, my FLAVORITE, Totoro! aye ya ... btw ... hope to be on ur waiting list too :) if you still have no mood to break through the lazy mood... i may help, as a @mirror@, keke... take care!

At 6:56 p.m. , Blogger Christy said...

Date a friend for a meaningful discussion/sharing once a week... that's a really good idea... I really want to imply it into my life and suggest Horeb B/S to do that as well!!! Thanks for sharing this!!!


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