Sunday, March 12, 2006

God's agenda

~ God's Agenda ~

I noticed a recent change in my heart. I was a little stress a while ago until I read a book called, Power Through Prayer. It makes me evaluated my own prayer life, and learn to put prayers as my first priority. Then I noticed my heart became peaceful and joyful, even with all the projects at church and work.

People wonder why I do so much, yet I wonder why others do so little. If everyone is willing to pick up a little more, then we can accomplish a whole lot more together. It's not about my schedule, my ability, but about God's agenda and HIS almighty power. As long as I pass my burden and worries to God through prayers, HE will take care of them and provide sufficient strength to me to continue. The more I pray, the more energy I have to keep going.

Some said, "I'll do what I can based on my schedule permitted." May I say, "We work our schedule and our lives around God's agenda, not the other way around because HE is our boss and provider."



At 1:52 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes...your job and church stuffs does make you can't breath easy. Hope God could make your jobs evenly.
Keep yours into my prayer


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