Monday, May 08, 2006

Update on my car accident

:: Update on My Car Accident::
After 2 weeks of waiting, my insurance company reached the teen who rear-ended my car finally. The teen claimed he forgot about the accident at first, but my insurance company was able to confirm the details with him at last. So my car is in the body shop waiting to be fixed! =) The good news is that I can get a discount from my body shop to fix my front bumper which I damaged a long time ago! ^0^

The teen called me last Friday, claiming that he would pay me after the insurance company reached him. I told him that if he wanted to pay, he would have paid 2 to 3 weeks ago. I hope he learns his lesson and will pick up his responsibilities from now on. I do feel sorry for his friend, the car's owner though. =P

You might noticed that I haven't done my weekly update for a while, that's because the past month has been super crazy, and I think I'm going to break soon. All the pressure and frustration I'm having from work and with Spring Conference is fast approaching, all the pressure starts to add up. I've to remind myself to stay claim and still in front of God and learn to reply on HIS almighty power. Please continue to pray for me. =)


At 8:52 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure you can make it through as you have changed quite a bit.
May GOD always keep you in HIS hands.


At 9:50 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's really good news!! ^__^ I hope that teenage boy learned his lesson. The car owner too.

Lo-lic on Spring Conference preparation. I'll continue to pray for you. =D

At 3:36 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The kid learn a lesson is a must, coz you really give him few chances already. Good you have your car fixed.
Knowing you've tons and tons coming throw to you, I know God will keep look after you. I really proud you the one in Joshua joining Panama:Mission in June, which is a blessing on you.
As for me, still don't have gust :P

At 2:08 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hang in there! Sure will pray for u and I really hope that u will get a mini-break at the spring camp so that your mind and your body will get refreshed before u go to another mission in Panama.

Take care and let's have dinner again after all these busy days

At 2:19 p.m. , Blogger 公主 said...

Thanks for all of your encourgement. =)
@ Aggie - yea. Let's have dinner again! ^0^

At 5:54 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are right, same feeling here. when I look at the Cross and see the price Jesus paid for each of us to redeem me, what happen in our daily life not as important as how i live my life for Jesus. thanks for sharing your experience and vision in God!


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