Saturday, March 25, 2006

I'm Italian!

~ I'm Italian! ~
I was having "Making Presentation" classes in the past 2 days at work. Although I'm "usually" comfortable to do public speaking at church, I'm totally NOT the same person at work. =P During classes, we have to do mini presentations in class throughout the days. Let me just tell you, it's super scary to present in English. My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack.
The 2 big assignments for this course are one 5 min presentation on Day 1 and one 10 min presentation on Day 2. After I did my 5 min presentation, one of my group mates said, "You talk like an Italian cuz you talk with your hands and it can be distracting." What do you know, maybe I'm part Italian cause I always talk with my hands! ^0^
I've got to admit that after all the practices, I have more confidence in presenting in English. Let's hope that it will last until the next time I have to present at work. =P



At 1:14 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohhhh....I scary to make any presentation in Chinese and heart is keep beating so fassssst too...
I hope ppl would know what I'm talking on April 7 :P

At 2:05 p.m. , Blogger po said...

Hahaha .. I think that's exactly one of the programs I went through at work too .. Did they tape you too?? I still hv the tape though never watched it again!!! hahahaha .. yes it's really scary, but it's a very good course, I think. Good development for self. However, what's interesting after this is that you'd (or I) find myself critiquing others while they do speeches - identify things that we're told not to do during presentation at class!

At 10:07 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

May I ask where I can register for the course? and how much is it?


At 2:52 a.m. , Blogger 公主 said...

@ Christy - sorry, this course is an internal training offered through my company. However, I believe some colleges presentation course as well. Check them out.

@ Popo - yes, I was taped but I haven't received the comments from instructor yet. =P

At 6:54 a.m. , Blogger Big Tomato said...

That course i also been before ! it is so fun and never forget that ! ^_^+


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