Saturday, October 21, 2006

What's up!?

:: What's up!?::

It has been a month since I last blogged. Time goes by so fast that I hardly remember what I did and most of all, it's mainly because I have been too busy to reflect. Let's see what happened in the past month.

1) My birthday party: another year with surprise! And it wasn't revealed by Mr. Forgetful Zebra! I should have clue in, but I never pay enough attention to this kind of things. haha! I'll let my friends to have their satisfactions. I got cool gifts this year, including my favorite TV show DVDs - Lois & Clark: The New Adventures for Superman. (^0^). I honestly forgot how addicted to Dean Cain I was until I start watching the DVDs. hahaha! Enough said.

2) Gospel camp: Loads of attack on HIS servants during the midst of preparation. I felt I owe my help to all the helpers since I was one of the supporters to have this camp, so I kinda offered my help. Oh boy, was I wrong! (just kidding!) I was asked to do this Christianity Q&A program and the old saying is always true - "書到用時方恨少". Thank God that my partner is much more knowledgeable than I'm. To top it off, both of us were having the longest working hours the week before the camp as well. I booked 62 hours on my timesheet that week, so I was quite amazed that I was able to do the script in the same week. Then of course, some personal thing happens that upset me which I need to fight it off. But I've learned that perseverance is always the key in serving (and in life). Once again, God helps us to pull this off. =D But I truly don't want to see myself on tape. (@___@)

3) Dignity: There is nothing glamour about finding out people's darkest secret, despite how much I love detective stories. No matter how hypocrite one person is, I still can't lower myself. There are moments that I honestly want to scream and want the world to know. Man, I hate myself for having so much dignity sometimes. I can almost feel the dismay inside me can eat me alive slowly, but HIS love can help me to get over it someday.

4) Timothy#2: My Timothy#1 is full grown and doesn't need me anymore, so I got myself Timothy #2. To Sick-Kit: YES! I'LL FINISH ALL THE CLASSES WITH HER. Even if she has to walk down the aisle with the text book in her hand. =P

That's it for today. Later!


At 1:41 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Paul
It is a great moment to our spiritual sharing and our relationship.
Knowing that issue is so painful to you. It'll take times, lo-leg ar~

At 11:30 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I will take your word this time.....


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