Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Right Focus

::The Right Focus::
Tonight was my least favourite fellowship program for the year again ��� committee election night. It was great that we can put a twist into it by allowing us to do a little more personal sharing rather than try to be a ���visionary��� person. =) Unfortunately, majority of the sharing or the ���talk��� was on my shoulders again. Since it is so close to my birthday, I didn���t have time to prepare the ���talk��� ahead of time. I prepare most of the presentation material the night before, and stay up till 3 a.m. to finish my speech.

I was so nervous about the speech on the next day; I was rehearsing it when I was on the road, taking a break at work. Although I speak in public quite often, I was extra nervous this round. I worried whether the speech will be interesting, whether it can catch people���s attention or whether I can remember all of my points, etc.

My heart was beating fast right before the speech. So as usual, I recited the Fellowship Theme Verse ���Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.��� Jos 1:9 and pray for a peaceful heart.

Suddenly, I realized what went wrong. Instead of hoping people to know the true picture of the fellowship committee, I was hoping to perform well. I focused on myself instead. I repent to my LORD, and ask HIM to use me as a media for people to understand what ���planning committee��� is all about. After the prayer, I was totally claim and was able to share my speech worry-free. I was also able to remember all the points without stressing out myself.

LORD, I thank you for the lesson.


At 1:06 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Princess,
Thanks for all your hard work to put the program together. I really liked and enjoyed it. I heard some good feedback from b&s too. Yes we need to focus on God, but if your intention to do well is trying to offer your best to our Lord, I think that pleased God also ^_^

At 12:28 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup! Thanks Princess! It was really interesting! Since the topic was a pretty boring one, your way of presenting it made it fun to listen to. ^__^ ... I was really nervous on Friday too. I kept on telling myself that there's no reason why I should feel nervous and that God is with me. But still.. even though my mind felt calm, my fingers still shook from time to time. =P I guess I need to practice more on how to rely on God completely. ^__^

At 10:27 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I enjoy the program too... even org I plan to skip it as I already vote via email and feel ususlly is boring program... then after i hear all the PC heartful sharing and their intention to take care of us in fellowship, am i glad i did come and share the moment with all of you :D

At 5:53 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Princess, it was a great program on that night..I'm enjoyed it very much. At aleast I knot more about what is PC and how to run about the PC....yeah I was thinking PC is a very serious group to schedule the fellowship program. Your speech was great and smooth for everyone ar~ I understand it is nevous to speak on stage or public..I have same problem too... :P

At 5:58 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw....your new blog look very pretty, you know why I posted this comment pretty late...hahhaaha...I was dump enough to click your link...I was get into your blog last week, I thought I was get into wrong blog and why totaly different and wonder where all of your story ne?! Untill I saw Aggie yesterday and ask her, where I could get into your blog ar? hahhahhaa.....hahha...I am so stupid....
keep it up ^.~


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