Thursday, October 13, 2005

Sudden Departure

::Sudden Departure::

I was really exciting 10 min ago for the new look of my blog. Then the feeling went away the moment I read about one of my friends lost her grandpa. I went through the same sorrow about a year ago when I lost my grandpa.

I remembered I was speechless when I heard the news from my mom and just sat there for 5 min... then I was kicking myself not going back to HK visiting him sooner, so I can see him one last time before he passed away. I told myself that I'll learn how to treasure my family when they are still around me, but I often forgot this lesson I learnt when they get on my case.

It is time to review the lesson.

*Note to my friend: dear, you're in my prayers.*


At 10:06 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Princess..I love this new look! This is so cool! ^__^ .. that's what I have realized too.. Family and friends are so important. I often take them for granted. And when they are not here anymore, I miss them so much and wish i did something to cherish them more.. I guess I can't really look back now. I can only start and try to become a more caring and considerate person.. And thanks a lot for your caring and prayers!

At 11:27 a.m. , Blogger 公主 said...

Thanks Steph! I love my new look too. It was like a major programming project. I think I started to admire it a little too much! hahaha! =P Keep up your position spirit!


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