Thursday, April 20, 2006

$320 of Love

:: $320 of Love ::

My car was rear-ended 2 weeks ago by a teenage boy at a stop sign. It started to rain and I was in a rush to go to fellowship. My bumper was damaged by the 2 nails from his car's plant, so I know it would only cost $200 to $300 to fix.

The teenage boy was, of course, very sorry. He didn't have his insurance with him because it wasn't his car. Given that he gave me his driver license, mobile # and all that. I don't want to kill him with double insurance premium with a small damage, so I decided not to call the policy.

He was very polite on that day (Friday) and promised to pay for the repair cost of $320 that was quoted by my body shop. Then Sunday came along, his cousin called, talk me down to $200. I thought to myself, "OK, he is only a boy, I should give him a break." So I agreed.

My heart was very unpeaceful throughout the whole week, I actually lost sleep over this which is extremely unusual. Although I keep telling myself that it's only $320, I can take the hit myself even if he stood me up but I wasn't at peace.

Then I asked myself whether I'd be mad at the kid if he didn't pay? My answer was, "No, I won't be mad, even though it will cost me $320. However, I'll be hurt because I gave him a chance to be a man for picking up his responsibility, yet he let me down. I would feel like he betray my love to him. But it's a price that I'm willing to pay to show my grace to a stranger."

I thought $320 was a decent price to pay....until I prayed.

Jesus gave me a visual as I pray, a visual of HIM and Judas, the one who betrayed HIM. Jesus know fully well that Judas will sell HIM for $30 all along, yet Jesus lives and shares meal with HIM throughout his journal.

So $320 is completely nothing compares to what Jesus gave. I was crying so hard after this visual because I start to comprehend HIS love for sinners.

For those who talk to me on daily basis know the story hasn't come to an end. The teenage boy didn't response my phone calls and ignore my txt message even I warned him that I'll call insurance. But honestly, I am not mad one bit for this accident (what a surprise and totally against my nature!). Yes, I have called insurance in order to have this accident to land on his insurance records (traceable by driver license#), but I only want to teach him to be a responsible person in the future, not for a revenge and not for the money.

Thank you for all of you who help me and care about me for this accident. I learn to appreciate my friends more every time when I'm in trouble and hopefully I'll learn to give my love in return when you guys are in needed. (Well, just hope is not accident-related. =P)

I actually have more sharing that was inspired from this accident but not on the same topic. So I'll share with you later!
