Sunday, March 11, 2007

It's called a BREAK UP because it's BROKEN

Although I was a book lover when I was younger, I haven't really want to dive into any book after I completed my professional study, simply because I felt I had enough of reading. Then I prayed for my passion to read last year because I want to grow, to be more matured.

I start to wander into bookstores and this book caught my eye. (OK! Yes, it's because it's hot pink and the picture is cute... =P) The title sounds funny, so I decided to read it. (For those of you rushing to a phone - don't worry! I am not having a break up.)

It's written by 2 non-Christians, but I think their recommendations of how to get over a breakup are good. I evaluate what I have done in my last break-up to see if I did any of the "don't", I haven't find any so far. ^0^

My favourite chapter is Chapter 4, "If you mention his name one more time....Your friends are going to break up with you too." Here is what the authors said, "Friends' love and companionship can be a beacon during your darkest hours - but believe us when we say that those beacons can go out. You want to take care of your friendships during this time, even as they are taking care of you. When you're on the other side, there's nothing worse than enduing the relentless chatter of the breakup-obsessed friend who doesn't listen to you or take your advice. Here's the thing to remember about your friends - they want you to be happy. They want you to be in a good, loving, and healthy relationship that inspires you to be the best you that you can be, not one that is difficult and painful. What's more, your friends can see your ex and your relationship for what it was - warts and all - and they probably aren't buying the rewritten version of the perfect love that you're pining over."

I was truly grateful for having my supportive friends when I was hurt. If it wasn't because of God, I don't think I'll have so much friends in my life. The taste of beacon was great, and I still haven't run out of beacon to this date. =)



At 12:23 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This book sound very interesting. Never notice if we mention our ex more than 4 times after break-up would affect our beloving friendship.....
Hope this book could cure your rest <10% painfulness...
Hope your other friends who need it can read this book too la~

At 2:54 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am also in love with the book "Alchemist" lately. It's bought from a secular bookstore but I always wonder if the author is a christian. It's very inspiring. Let me do the book recommendation in my blog. ^_^


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