Saturday, March 31, 2007

Bye B ~

After working in a group with strong bad vibe, I finally get to work in a perfect group. There are only 4 of us. My co-workers are responsible and most importantly, FUNNY! We just click. (Believe it or not, I'm actually the boring one here! =P) I just love them! =D It has been my best 2 months at work for a very long time, until I hit a road block...

One of the buddies ("B") has personality crush with our boss since Day 1, and hasn't be able to work out their differences. I was surprised (yet honoured) that I was the first one to know that he is thinking of leaving. I was so sad, but I remain hopeful that things can improve.

Things get a little more complicated when I learned that our boss might be actually trying to push him out because he might be only used for transition purpose (we're a new dept). I was upset at something our boss said during our team meeting, because it is quite disrespective to my buddy. That was the final sign that my B decided to quit, and he did. He resigned the next day.

I'm sad that a nice guy was treated badly, and start to question my boss' motives. Can I trust my boss? Or is it simply too much to ask? Would she look out for me in the future? Can she accept people with different opinion? Or would she only like me if I do what she said?

I've be able to link up my experience at work to my church life in the past. So what is this telling me? hmmm......

Although answers are still to be found, but one thing for sure is that I'm going to miss my B. A LOT! Actually, we (the rest of the group) start missing him already. =(



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