Friday, June 09, 2006

Ready for STM?

{Ready for STM?}
Thank your for all of your prayers, I finished all my work before STM after I put in 51 hours in 5 days! I know it must be God, who is giving me strength to get all the work done before I go. At least I'm leaving my manager with a good name. =)

Panama - Here I come! Don't forget to pray for us! ^0^

Monday, June 05, 2006

Life before STM

:: Life before Short Term Missionary Trip ::

Although I'm extremely busy (working days and nights) to try to get my audit wrap up before my trip this Sat. I shouldn't be spending my time to update my blog, but I felt deeply that I really prayers support from BnS, so here it goes.

My schedule is getting out of hand since Spring Conference is over. The audit that I was charging is killing me because I've been trying to clean up the mess that others created (issues with my group at work is another issue for another day), spending some nights on rehearsal for STM really takes up all of my time. I've been physically tired and weak for almost 2 weeks and the preparation I wanted to do before I go on the trip wasn't done. On top of all that, I got upset at a friend because I felt like the person turns her/ his back on me when I needed help. I don't even want to talk to BnS because I know I need some quite time on my own to regain my energy and strength from rest and from the Lord.

I realized this is a part of Satan's attack when we want to do God's work, so please pray for me for the following:
- Relationship with God: the key to fight this battle
- A heart to love others' souls: really wish to touch the heart of Panama's people through testimony and God's love rather than all of our fancy work or so-called performance
- Preparation: although time is limited, I still want to equip myself as much as possible
- Strong team spirit: let the STM be one voice
- Singing skills: I'm still not scare at this point, maybe because I'm too consumed by all the craziness around me. I really hope that I can keep my cool when I'm on the stage, especially when I'm doing my solo. @___@
- Health: do not get sick before/ during the trip
- Work: have a clear and focus mind to get things done before my trip, so I can still be a good witness to my manager and co-workers
I'm counting on all of you to support me through prayers! Thank you!