Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Generation Gap

:: Generation Gap ::

I was watching the news with my dad last night about someone digging oil from his own backyard and had this conservation with him.

老豆: 「以前有套戲叫"巨人", 都係講石油o 好好睇嫁!」
我: 「?! 乜萬子同陳法蓉?陣時有採油咩?」 (個腦係到幻想佢?兩個?礦工look)
老豆: 「唔係啦! "巨人"係西片?o 萬子?時都唔知係邊o 係畢XXXX做嫁!」 (Sorry, can't remember a word that he said)
我: 「oh... 我淨係記得劉德華唱?句 - "你是個巨人!~~~~」

Sigh...Generation gap I tell you!

My dad has been staying longer than I expected. I got sick while he was here, I was so sure I won't hear the end of it! He always nug me when I am in good health, so just think of what kind of nugging I have to put up with when I'm sick. In the past, I always talk back to him when my patient run out (YES! I'll confess that it happens very often!) but I dont' want to be like that every time when he comes over. I think he still treats me as that little teenager, when I moved to Canada. In a way, he never really see me "growing up". I prayed to God to grant me the patient, learn to appreciate his nugging as caring/ his love for his baby. It works! I was actually able to put up his nugging like 98% of his stay! ^0^
