Sunday, November 05, 2006

Proposal for Christmas

** Proposal for Christmas **

Nov 06 is here, which means X'mas is just around the corner. =) Being a planning person I'm, I start to think of X'mas presents for my friends. Then I got a Christmas catalogue from World Vision, which gets me do a little thinking.

I'm so blessed by God already, who provides me with all of my daily needs. Then, I still get tons of gifts (large or small, practical or decroative) as the icing on the cake every year. But the world is bigger than that, much bigger than our work, our family or our church lives. Christ was not borned so that we can be self-absorbed. HE wants us to give and to be salt and light to the world. So I'm here to propose to all of my friends - instead of getting me a present this year for X'mas, can you please make a donation to World Vision - Gifts that change lives program?

Let there be light!


At 6:15 p.m. , Blogger po said...

I agreed!! So please do the same if you are planning to give me an xmas gift. ^.^

At 11:21 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great idea! Same here =)


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