Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Getting Ready for X'mas

:: Getting Ready for X'mas ::

I never have a X'mas tree at home, so I decided to make myself a paper tree this year. It's quite easy to make because the template is readily available.

So here it is! My first X'mas tree! ^0^

I'm almost done with my X'mas shopping. I actually plan what to get my friends early this year, and it's now mostly done! I'm sooooo organized! hahaha!


At 11:06 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're very fast bor~
Haven't start my Christmas gifts shopping yet >.<
Hope have time next week for me to shop shop shop la~

At 1:36 p.m. , Blogger po said...

u are good .. every year we need to fight and nag each other to put the tree up .. and .. hahaha .. we are lucky if we persuade someone to put it up ... =)

At 1:02 a.m. , Blogger Ray said...

how large is it?


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