Monday, April 16, 2007

Personal Space

I'm dying for some personal space! Ever since my dad returned from China, I feel like I'm being watched on every move I made at home. He always manage to make some comments in everything, and it is driving me crazy soon! I think I've more freedom at work and at church, which is so twisted!

To make thing worst. My aunt from NY decided to follow me back to HK without my pre-approval, and just assume she is part of my travel plan. How can some 60 year old be so insensitive? Is it not a basic manner to ask for permission first?
I feel like a 15 year old writing this entry, which is plain stupid.

But can I just get some personal time/ space to get my sanity back?
[ Dear God, grant me patient! ]


Sunday, April 08, 2007

Stormy Office

Honeymoon at work is officially over. Since I joined this new place, one person quit and now another one got terminated the day before Easter weekend, much to every one's surprise. Story is too complicated to share. My mood was kinda ruin for the weekend along with other oops happened that day.
(It was a horrible Thur! Too much things happen that day. But my teammates try to cheer me up. They are great guys. =D)

The moral of the story is, this work place is full of politics that I never experienced in my life. Instead of living in my own little world like I used to, I might have to wake up and realize what's going on around me. And that's not the only concern, I'm now the only one left in the business line that I'm auditing. I'm now the owner of the SOX project with no continuity.

(How scary is this!!!)

I asked myself, "What have I signed up for?" I was kinda stress out last week and couldn't sleep well. Then I thought of God's promises when I decided to take this job.

"He held fast to the LORD and did not cease to follow him; he kept the commands the LORD had given Moses. And the LORD was with him; he was successful in whatever he undertook. He rebelled against the king of Assyria and did not serve him" 2 King 18:6-7

I've to hold on to HIS word strongly for courage, and trust that everything is in HIS hands.

Dear friends, please pray for me. =)

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