Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I'm in Hong Kong!

After 3 weeks of long working hours, I'm finally landed in Hong Kong to enjoy my 3 weeks vacation. The flight from Chicago to HK was fully packed, but I managed to get some sleep on the flight. Much to my surprise, I didn't have jet lag since I've been keeping myself busy.

My goal for this trip is to get some personal space/ quiet time and explore HK like a tourist since I never really go out when I was living in HK. =P I've hit 1 of my target spot already.

I wasn't planning to do much shopping because I thought I won't be able to fit into the cloths in HK. =P But much to my surprise, I lost some weight before the trip and I can fit into their sizes now! So I've been shopping a lot more than I expected. =P I'm really hoping for a big bonus this year! hahaha!

I love the weather in HK! I think the longer I live in Canada, the more I learn to appreiate the sun. I'm going to get a tan for sure! =P
