Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rice Family (飯糰之家)

I've been a follower of a Taiwan TV drama, 飯糰之家. At the beginning, I only care about how the young actors and actresses will find each other and fall in love. Then I slowly learn to appreciate the meaning behind the whole story, especially it shows hardship to be a parent.

I start to fall in love with the characters of grandma (關奶奶) and her daughter-in-law (關媽媽). 關奶奶, a 80 year old lady manages to stay cool when her granddaughter wants to marry a man who is much older than she is, where 關媽媽 completely lost control and has to be reminded by her mother-in-law how she proved herself to 關奶奶 that she is the right woman for her son back then. A 80 year old lady admitted she was once wrong and share what she learnt as a parent to another parent. I have never see my parents admitted they made a mistake in my entire life, so I think she is ONE COOL grandma.

Moreover, 關奶奶 found out her younger son who has been hiding in Canada over 30 years is gay. To have the heart to face the truth, to accept her son no matter how much she disagrees with his choice, and welcome his partner to their house was heart warming. I hope I can be like her when I'm 80.
