Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rice Family (飯糰之家)

I've been a follower of a Taiwan TV drama, 飯糰之家. At the beginning, I only care about how the young actors and actresses will find each other and fall in love. Then I slowly learn to appreciate the meaning behind the whole story, especially it shows hardship to be a parent.

I start to fall in love with the characters of grandma (關奶奶) and her daughter-in-law (關媽媽). 關奶奶, a 80 year old lady manages to stay cool when her granddaughter wants to marry a man who is much older than she is, where 關媽媽 completely lost control and has to be reminded by her mother-in-law how she proved herself to 關奶奶 that she is the right woman for her son back then. A 80 year old lady admitted she was once wrong and share what she learnt as a parent to another parent. I have never see my parents admitted they made a mistake in my entire life, so I think she is ONE COOL grandma.

Moreover, 關奶奶 found out her younger son who has been hiding in Canada over 30 years is gay. To have the heart to face the truth, to accept her son no matter how much she disagrees with his choice, and welcome his partner to their house was heart warming. I hope I can be like her when I'm 80.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Just in Time Message

It's difficult not to be affected by all the bad news about the economy. Nortel is filing a bankruptcy protection, such and such company is laying people off, etc. I must stay focus and remain positive so these news won't affect me.

I know God is in control in my head, while I'm preparing for my interview. Yet I don't have the confidence to land the job because it's an international firm, and it's a slightly different field than I was in before. But HIS words always come in the right time:

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Matthew 10:29-31


Monday, December 29, 2008

GOD provides

It has been 1.5 month since I lost my job. This is the first time I don't have a job since I finished university. The job market is getting bad, some are losing their confidence but I truly thank GOD for my inner peace. I worry about the situation in the odd times, but HE always gives me assurance before it gets too far:

A) I met with a group of recruiters last week for 30 min after driving all the way to Etobicoke teaching the Sales team how to become a C.A to help them to sell a CA to businesses. They gave me a gift card that can be used for a few restaurant, which was totally unexpected.

B) A bro took me out for dinner, then the restaurant gave us this "scratch and win" card, and I found myself winning a free dinner for my next visit! I never won anything cool in lucky draws in my life, yet I won a free dinner this time. The bro immediately said, "See, God provides! You got another meal =)"

Even though I had these assurance, I still struggled to give my offer over the weekend. Then I remind myself that it is not my bank account or my CA designation that is reliable, but HIS ability. So I offered 10% of what I received for severance, GOD shows me once again today that HE is the one who provides:
C) I almost had to spend another $80 on computer equipment, then HE sends me an angel to fix up the hardware for me, so I properly don't have spend much. =)

D) I hurt my knee again over the weekend, I thought it will cost me to get Chinese medical help. Then I went to see the doctor today, he told me the injury is not significant enough to be treated, and he didn't charge me for consultation!

Thank you GOD and I hope I can continue experience Your grace and peace from within.


Friday, August 10, 2007

What type of person I want to be?

After dealing with my boss since Feb 07 and a few chances to see how she treats people, I got a chances to look into myself and really think what type of person I want to become. Here are the 5 top characters that I want to have:

(1) Funny/ sense of humor
(2) Positive thinking
(3) Fair
(4) Understanding/ reasonable
(5) Trustworthy

(1) + (2) produce happiness
(1) + (2) + (4) + (5) produce friendship
(3) + (4) allows decision making that benefits the overall community, rather than individuals
What's your top 5 characters?


After Thoughts of my Vacation

I had a good 3 weeks of vacation in Hong Kong and Taipei. The mental break was much needed. It's nice to witness an old friend getting marry, and catch up with schoolmates that I haven't seen for 15 years. Made a few friends from England. =)

It's weird when I met up with old friends, we often talk about the past, not the present nor the future. Why is that? Is it because we are afraid to let others know we haven't achieved our goals? That we haven't accomplished much in our lives or simply because we don't think our lives is worthy for discussion? It's almost like the time we shared got frozen in time, and we continue the connection because we are on a different road. After the trip, I kept wondering how the gap can be bridged...


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I'm in Hong Kong!

After 3 weeks of long working hours, I'm finally landed in Hong Kong to enjoy my 3 weeks vacation. The flight from Chicago to HK was fully packed, but I managed to get some sleep on the flight. Much to my surprise, I didn't have jet lag since I've been keeping myself busy.

My goal for this trip is to get some personal space/ quiet time and explore HK like a tourist since I never really go out when I was living in HK. =P I've hit 1 of my target spot already.

I wasn't planning to do much shopping because I thought I won't be able to fit into the cloths in HK. =P But much to my surprise, I lost some weight before the trip and I can fit into their sizes now! So I've been shopping a lot more than I expected. =P I'm really hoping for a big bonus this year! hahaha!

I love the weather in HK! I think the longer I live in Canada, the more I learn to appreiate the sun. I'm going to get a tan for sure! =P


Monday, April 16, 2007

Personal Space

I'm dying for some personal space! Ever since my dad returned from China, I feel like I'm being watched on every move I made at home. He always manage to make some comments in everything, and it is driving me crazy soon! I think I've more freedom at work and at church, which is so twisted!

To make thing worst. My aunt from NY decided to follow me back to HK without my pre-approval, and just assume she is part of my travel plan. How can some 60 year old be so insensitive? Is it not a basic manner to ask for permission first?
I feel like a 15 year old writing this entry, which is plain stupid.

But can I just get some personal time/ space to get my sanity back?
[ Dear God, grant me patient! ]


Sunday, April 08, 2007

Stormy Office

Honeymoon at work is officially over. Since I joined this new place, one person quit and now another one got terminated the day before Easter weekend, much to every one's surprise. Story is too complicated to share. My mood was kinda ruin for the weekend along with other oops happened that day.
(It was a horrible Thur! Too much things happen that day. But my teammates try to cheer me up. They are great guys. =D)

The moral of the story is, this work place is full of politics that I never experienced in my life. Instead of living in my own little world like I used to, I might have to wake up and realize what's going on around me. And that's not the only concern, I'm now the only one left in the business line that I'm auditing. I'm now the owner of the SOX project with no continuity.

(How scary is this!!!)

I asked myself, "What have I signed up for?" I was kinda stress out last week and couldn't sleep well. Then I thought of God's promises when I decided to take this job.

"He held fast to the LORD and did not cease to follow him; he kept the commands the LORD had given Moses. And the LORD was with him; he was successful in whatever he undertook. He rebelled against the king of Assyria and did not serve him" 2 King 18:6-7

I've to hold on to HIS word strongly for courage, and trust that everything is in HIS hands.

Dear friends, please pray for me. =)

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