Saturday, October 29, 2005


~~霈� ~~

隞���交��蝒���嗥�潸死��芸楛憟賢��霈�鈭���� 隤�霅����鈭箇�臭��鈭�憭折��, �����喳�����������敹������∟����詨��, ��曉�冽����餅��閬�銋���箄郎������ 瘙�蟡�雿踵�����撘�, ��亙�典��銝���������萎��頠�撘晞�� �����箄�芸楛銋�銝������臬��甇方��撌脯��


At 1:44 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess your change wasn't that bad, being 霅行�� from someone's sin or mistick, could make us learn a lesson and ask ourself don't copy their misticks again.

At 3:40 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Vivian,

I have trouble viewing your chinese typing. What should I do?


At 9:08 a.m. , Blogger 公主 said...

Hi Christy,

I think I have to re-post these 2 entries in order to have the proper coding in place since copy & paste from Word wasn't the best way. I'll see if I can get to it next week so you can read my post. =) Thanks for visiting! ^0^


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