Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Spring Conference is Over!

[Spring Conference is Over!]

I can't believe Spring Conference is over! After months of thinking of this project, it just flashed by my eyes.

I want to thank you the Lord for making everything smooth. Although the weather was poor, the seats at the gym were almost unbearable, but there was no big "oops" during the conference.

I want to thank you the Lord for providing such an awesome team that I can serve with. Everyone strives for his/ her best and we work as a team. =)

Special thanks to all those hands who touched the handbook, you know who you are! I know it was a painful exercise, so really appreciate you guys did it with a smile! I almost want to throw a party right away when we finally sent the handbook to the print shop and felt like our baby was born when I picked up the handbook! haha!

Thank you Registration Team for your late hours and early morning! Thank you Sic Kit who is always there for me when I need help the most! ^0^

Thank you GM team, you guys always work so hard, so reliable and cannot enjoy most of the sermons. @ Kwok Jar, were your legs sored after the key searching? My keens were in pain!

Also, really appreciate 2 Brides to Be to serve so faithfully when their wedding days are approaching. A good example for others that we should always remember our spiritual homes' needs.

Thank you Dai Joe for listening our complains (although you didn't do much! haha!) I hope I can learn this leadership skills real soon!

As always, this project always cause sleepless nights which is a very physical tiring project but I love the pressure!'s good to deal with great amount of pressure once a year because it can strengthen my endurance but can't do it to myself all the time! haha!

After resting of 2 days, next station - Panama. =)
Yea, it's TM and Dai Joe again. =P

Monday, May 08, 2006

Update on my car accident

:: Update on My Car Accident::
After 2 weeks of waiting, my insurance company reached the teen who rear-ended my car finally. The teen claimed he forgot about the accident at first, but my insurance company was able to confirm the details with him at last. So my car is in the body shop waiting to be fixed! =) The good news is that I can get a discount from my body shop to fix my front bumper which I damaged a long time ago! ^0^

The teen called me last Friday, claiming that he would pay me after the insurance company reached him. I told him that if he wanted to pay, he would have paid 2 to 3 weeks ago. I hope he learns his lesson and will pick up his responsibilities from now on. I do feel sorry for his friend, the car's owner though. =P

You might noticed that I haven't done my weekly update for a while, that's because the past month has been super crazy, and I think I'm going to break soon. All the pressure and frustration I'm having from work and with Spring Conference is fast approaching, all the pressure starts to add up. I've to remind myself to stay claim and still in front of God and learn to reply on HIS almighty power. Please continue to pray for me. =)