Saturday, December 23, 2006

Decision Decision Decision

:: Decision Decision Decision ::

I applied for an internal role at another firm right before X'mas to shape up my interview skills because I want to get myself ready for job searching. I didn't expect to receive an offer, yet I got the job much to my surprise.

I prayed to God to give me this job only if HE prepares this for me, yet I'm still uncertain at this point because this is a new department of the company. Therefore, there is properly a lot of unknown. I'm also worried if there will be a lot of work, which will impact my church commitment. I guess I'll use the X'mas break to pray harder and to ponder on it.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Getting Ready for X'mas

:: Getting Ready for X'mas ::

I never have a X'mas tree at home, so I decided to make myself a paper tree this year. It's quite easy to make because the template is readily available.

So here it is! My first X'mas tree! ^0^

I'm almost done with my X'mas shopping. I actually plan what to get my friends early this year, and it's now mostly done! I'm sooooo organized! hahaha!