Friday, January 26, 2007

Last day at TD

:: Last Day at TD ::

I started at TD on Oct 1, 2003. 3 years later, I decided to move on for a change of environment. I start this job at the same time when I reallocate from Mississauga to Markham, and the time I decided to serve as the chairman in fellowship. Talking about stress! =D

When I review what I've learned from this job in the past 3 years. I'm truely grateful for this opportunity to shape me to be a better servant in church:

1) A chance to move from an public accounting firm to the industry, allowing me to have more work-life balance.

2) The job required doing risk assessments, which forced me to do more critical thinking. It improved my decision-making.

3) I have to present the audit findings to the auditees and get their buy-in. It improved my presentation/ bargaining skill. (Although still requires quite a bit of improvement on this one! haha!)

4) Acted as project manager of audits, which improved my project management skills in managing church's projects, such as Spring Conference.

Although I have a lot of complaints about this job, but I realized God uses every opportunity to shape us. Our gifts are not only utilized in church setting; otherwise, we're thinking too little of God. HE uses our job to shape our skills to serve in HIS body, to make us whole.



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