Sunday, March 04, 2007

My new job

I'm almost a month into my new job. The company culture is very different from a big bank. I get to speak to senior management directly; I control my own timeline, which will be more reasonable; haven't have much overtime (my team mate told me no one brings work home in here. Well, I know my boss does because I gave her homework for the past 2 weekends. =P)
My team mates are great to work with, smart and funny. =) I'm loving it up to now.

The new challenge I have is multitasking. Since I control my own timeline, but I have to provide several deliverable within the same period of time. Given that I'm a one minded person, it has been tough. Especially when I have to do a lot of co-ordination with clients to get my work done. The other challenge is of course, how to manage my new boss, a typical type A personality. =)

I'm happy at work right now and I truly hope it will stay that way. (As you know, I'm a natural born auditor. Always find something wrong out of a perfect picture. =P)



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