Saturday, September 17, 2005

I Love My Blog

~I love My Blog~

Since I started my blog, I got very addictive to view others' blogs. =P It also became a project in my daily life to think of what I can post on-line to share with others as I promised. I feel like a high school student again! =>

I've always been a very analytical person since university. Not that I think a lot, as some of my friends will know that I only "turn-on" my brain for work and church meetings. =P But the more I analysis myself, the more confusing I'm. It's liked I've programmed myself to act things in certain ways, because I plan ahead for things to happen so I'll plan my reactions ahead of time. It's strange, but it's true. As I started my own blog, I often wonder what my instant/ true feelings really are. I guess I'll find out as time goes by via my self-searching journey. It is fun to learn how to treasure my feelings or search for precious moments in life again.

I remember I used to be a very artistic and was quite talented in high school. My grade 10/ 11 art teacher told me, "Whatever you do in the future, don't ever give up on drawing." Since I decided to be an accountant at grade 11, my artistic part has stripped away. Then my blog helps me to unitize my long lost talents again. I just don't want to waste something that God has given me, so HE won't called me "a lazy and unfaithful servant" when I meet HIM in heaven. =P Thank you my blog. =)

Wednesday, September 14, 2005



Sunday, September 11, 2005



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Wednesday, September 07, 2005

My Late Morning

My Late Morning

My mom woke me up @ 8 a.m. this morning (usual time should be 6:10 a.m.). That means I would be super late for work! The last train departs @ 8:04 a.m., so I've to catch the next bus at 8:55 a.m.

By the time I hit the road, it was already 8:30 a.m. There were so many cars in front of me. I thought I will miss the bus for sure. I keep asking myself, "Should I just go home now and wait for the 10:30 a.m. bus?" But I keep telling myself not to give up so easily. A thought came to my mind that maybe God will delay the bus for me!

By the time I got to the station and park my car at 8:59 a.m. I saw a bus coming. I ran to the bus stop, and then realize that it wasn't my bus and there were a line waiting in front of me. Then I realized God did delay the bus for me!! The bus didn't come until 9:10 a.m., so I made it to work at 10:30 a.m.

It seems like a silly little story, but it really encouraged me not to give up easily because everything is in God's hands. =)
