Sunday, November 13, 2005

Grammar class

[Grammar class]

In light of utilizing my dept's training budget, I decided to enroll into a grammar workshop. =) Although I spent most of my school life in H.K., but I don't think I was formally trained in grammar. 1/2 of the reason was because I went to a "Chinese Chinese" high school, and 1/2 of the reason is properly because I didn't really know how to "learn" until I came to Canada.

Having finish school for couple of years, I'm surprised that I can still adjust to class pretty well and I'm actually enjoying this class even though it's just grammar. Let's hope I can retain what I learnt. =)


At 2:05 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh man, my Grammar is worse too. Just becoz the writing structure were totally different when I asked different English teachers have my paper prove read during highschool. Therefore, I really confuse... :P
I hope you do enjoy your class and learn the propriate Grammar la~


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