Sunday, November 13, 2005

Wore out

::Wore out::

It has been busy at work for the past few weeks lately and it starts to wore me out. In between my work schedule and TV watching, I lost time for everything else, including my weekly dinner with a girl pal for a deep chart and updating my blog.

Now that my crazy TV watching time is over (yeah! the coupon expired. =P), I'm still struggling with my work load. Have you ever feel lonely at work? Feel like you're the only one fighting the battle? This is how I felt recently. I got 9 other team members in my group, but only 3 of us are doing bulk of the work. The rest are having the time of their lives and thinking we work in a country club...sigh...

I think I'm a hard working person most of the time and work is work. We all have busy vs. non-busy time. However, the feeling of being mistreated and unfair is not exactly motivating. May God give me wisdom and patient when my co-workers and I address our concern to our manager next week.


At 2:01 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

does the managment level notice your other non-busy team members aren't work hard as you 3?! I hope they do, otherwise you and your other 2 workmates aren't fair enough lu~ I believe God will solve it out for your workload la~

At 9:28 a.m. , Blogger 公主 said...

Thanks for your caring Becky. My co-worker and I spoke to our Sr. Mgmr yesterday to address our concerns. She was very open about it and she does recognized that we charge more jobs than others, but she said things will change in 06. We'll see! =)

At 1:30 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad your Sr. Mgmr reconized your concerned. If things will be change, that'd be great. Keep praying for you la~ ^.~


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