Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Blogger's pain

++ Bloggers' pain ++

A cycle of blogger's life:
1. What's the topic of this week? Man...what did I do this week again? My life is so boring and I'm sure my feelings aren't that unique anyway. Why would people care about my writing?

The struggle continues until a sense of "knowing" reaches my heart and I have accumulated enough "feelings" to express.

2. Shall I write it in English or Chinese? Such a pain to write in Chinese, yet my English grammar is not perfect neither. How do I spell that word again?

The struggle continues until I'm confident with my writing after I edited the message 10 times.

3. I wonder what people think of my update. Was it a valid point? Am I pretending to be someone I'm not? Why are my thoughts and my regular interactions with friends so extremely different? Maybe I'm mental? Maybe I'm incapable of having a real "in-depth" & "spiritual" conversation with people, and I can only do so when I'm alone.

The struggle continues and it doesn't seems to end anytime soon.

4. Do people really care about who I'm? What I do? What I think? Do my friends read my blog at all? Maybe I'm only self-talking in this virtual world.

The struggle continues until someone left me a comment after checking my blog 15 million times a day. I start to wonder why I often received comments on non-spiritual observations/ matters. Then I realized that a reflection on spiritual lesson is rare and shall be treasured.

5. I wonder if all bloggers have the same feelings or am I just concerning my blog a little too much. =P



At 6:10 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hihi Princess! That's how I feel too, especially Point #3. ^___^ Very often, I'm not sure if my postings are true reflections of my thoughts. Sometimes, after many rounds of editing, my posts start to sound fake and pretentious... But I guess that's me as well. Hahaa! ^o^

At 9:15 a.m. , Blogger 公主 said...

Hi Stephanie! I don't think you posts start to found fake and pretentious just because you've edited it so many times. For me, editing is a chance to further clarify my own thoughts/ feelings because the instant reaction might not be the most accurate. Oh, I beef up point #4 this morning. hehehe! I revised my blog sometimes after I published it. =P

At 6:25 p.m. , Blogger po said...


I do read your blog ga, so you are not self-talking ...

I think it is common that we might seem different when we are writing than we interact with others. Cuz "audience" is different - one is other ppl one is ourself, and haha, we can put a lot more thought while writing .. edit it a millions times, while when we interact it is more "instant" .. so for sure will hv different I believe.

(BTW, I believe your pts are valid for making comments on other ppl's blog too .. hahahhahaah~~)

At 6:59 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Princess, I like to visit my friends' blog, at least it is one of my way to understand and know what they are really think and what they are doing recently. Coz some ppl feel uncomfortable to speak out their life (including myself), only wording could express our thought. I know it wasn't easy to update our thought in our blog daily, at least it is an online diary for me to post something interest that I have. Dear sweetie, keep on going on your blog la~ I know your friends who really care about you does keep on visiting your blog ga~

At 1:40 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would you care about if others really care about who you're, what you do, and what you think? Also, what's wrong about self-talking? I do think self-talking is good and health as long as you don't do that in front of people or do that an hour per day. Having a little time to search our feelings, to ask ourselves questions, to write down our thoughts, always helps us know more about ourselves and cherish what we have now.

In fact, I do care about who you're, what you do, and what you think, just because you're always a very good friend of mine.

At 12:35 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

of course i care what you write and what think

... and more important, this blog meant to for you to "discover princess" yourself ma.

do not worry about grammer, chinese vs english, edit. just edit to clarify your thought, just write in the language most describe your heart.

at the end, you find yourself, and i find my real good friend who spend time on blog to share with me her thought :)

At 9:24 a.m. , Blogger 公主 said...

Thank you 40367 and Queen of Disorganized for your encouragement! =) Come visit me again la! ^0^


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