Thursday, December 15, 2005

Filled, not fulfilled

::Filled, not Fulfilled::
���������銵�餈�靘�, ��潛�曄��憭折�其遢���������blog��賜�「pdate��啜�� 蝛嗥����臭��暻澆�����?
���������蝬�甇瑕云������, ��⊥�����鈭箏��鈭�?
���������瘣餃云���撖�, 雿踵�������⊥�������啗�芸楛�����批��, 隞斗�����閮�隤���∪��?
���餈����憟賢��蝬�甇瑚�����敺����������, ���銝���啗�芸楛��批�冽��閬箝��
隞���亥�賭�������亥店, "Our lives are filled, but not fulfilling."



At 8:42 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

no la~ the reason haven't update my blog was very busy and sick. But my mind and my heart are still open for you...hahhahaaaaaa.....

At 9:24 p.m. , Blogger po said...

Are you too stressed? Make sure to relax, give yourself sometime for yourself~~~ =)

BTW, I updated mine ... just 4 min after your update heehee.. =P

At 11:09 p.m. , Blogger 公主 said...

haha! Sorry to make cause you guys some worries. No, I'm not stress. =) Just think that I need to set some "cave" time for myself to practice my brain cells a little. =P


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