Thursday, November 24, 2005

Who am I?...Personality quizzes

~Who Am I?...Personality quizzes~

1) Little Prince Quiz

You are the drawing.

Saint Exupery's 'The Little Prince' Quiz. Brought to you by Quizilla

2) Personality test results from SpeakStrong, inc.

VISIONARY: People-Oriented with a Swift Pace
You are highly social and like to be on the go. It's about fun and adventure for you. You tend to be the center of attention in any group and that's the way you like it. You look toward the future and are full of ideas of possibilities. You thrive on change and innovation. You appeal to the imagination of your listener. People find your words inspiring and find themselves persuaded by you. You are idealistic and visionary, and you can inspire vision in others and motivate them. You also are very fun!

3) MBTI - According to MBTI, I'm ESTJ.


I'm confused as I think #1 result seem contradicting with #2 and 3, so what am I, really?



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