Monday, January 09, 2006

Professional Slacker

~ Professional Slacker ~

After 1 month of non-important work, I've to go back to the reality ~ auditing. After sitting at my desk for 7 hours, I'm still not motivated. I think I've become a professional slacker for the last month, and it is hard to shack this mode off. The fact is, my lack of resting is properly not helping the situation neither. =P Although people usually see me as a hard working person, the truth is, I'm a natural born slacker. I'm only hard working when the "responsible" side of me takes over and there are times that I don't really care about anything in the world.

Jan 10: I'm on a quest to find the "responsible" side of me.



At 9:04 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess you aren't the only one to be a lazybone hahhahaaaaa....I'm also is the person mainly concentrate to the stuff that I have to responsible. :p

At 2:22 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Princess, what i have seen so far is your responsible side only...not the slacker one...may be u only show the slacker side at work?? :P

At 9:38 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess you don't understand what is laziness... laziness is me... not you... I am the natural born slacker... hahaha =)


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