Saturday, January 28, 2006



������������鈭箏�����閰脣�����閬�������鈭�, 憭望�����鈭箏�芸����芸楛��暹��������鈭����嚚� �����亦����圈����亥店, �����嗆��銝���臭�����������皜湔�����������鈭�, 雿����������雿���箸�������箇��敺���賣����������抒�脩移蟡�嚚�
��抒�脣����砌��憭芸��憭芸��, 靘�憒�:
1) ��仿��������銝�敹急��, �����衣�∪��銝�鈭�, �����餉店摰���唬��?
2) ���閰血��銝������曉�瑕拿���雿����鈭箏��������
3) ������撌脫��憭芸�����鞎砌遙, 雿�靘���園�����靽∪����餌匱蝥�摮貊����踵��
4) ������敺���喟�刻�芸歇������憟賢�餅�暸��敹����, 雿����摮貊����望�������刻��蝬�銝�, ��冽�����鈭�撌乩��
5) ...

憟賢��敺������西����抒��������, ���銋�銝�閬�敺���箇����抒�脤��隞�暻踝�� �����芣�舀�喳��銝����銝����隞斤��憭梁旨���憟喳�����撌�, ��箔��暻賡�賡��暻賡��?

撘� ��� ��� ��� ��� 銝� ��� 隞� ��� ��� 撌� 撌� 蝬� 敺� ��� 鈭� 嚗� ��� ��� ��� 銝� 隞� 鈭� ��� 撠� ��� 敹� 閮� ��� 敺� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� 璅� 蝡� ��� 頝� ��� 閬� 敺� ��� 蟡� ��� ��� ��� ��� 蝛� 鋆� 敺� 銝� ��� ��� ��� 靘� 敺� ��� ��� 鞈� ���(���3:13-14)


At 1:20 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Princess, it is full of encouragement that we all should learn that phase and your examples. It is hard for me too, hope you and I can try our best la~

At 7:50 p.m. , Blogger Auriel said...

Yeah... Thanks Princess for the reminder! It's true that it's really easy to focus on ourselves, do whatever we want, and neglect what we're supposed to do to become better Christians. When I read your examples, I was thinking: "ehh... I'm not sure how often I have done these things..." ^__^; ... I still have lots of things that need to be improved. ^__^

At 4:07 a.m. , Blogger Big Tomato said...

GOOD ! i am full of POWER la!



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