Sunday, February 26, 2006

Change of name

~ Change of name~

If you pay attention to details, you would noticed I have changed my blog's name a while back. It's now called, "Haphazard Land". I decided to change it cause I don't think of my blog as a diary, it is simply a collection of my random thoughts and feeling.

It has been difficult for me to think of what to write in the past few weeks since life is just non-stop and allow me to have no time for reflections. Church responsibilities consumes most of my time lately. I still enjoy all of the meetings, just the stress level has been building up bit by bit. When that happens, my laziness kicks in and just want to do nothing! The excitement of my upcoming months is "hea"! The feeling of "hea" with friends/ at home by myself is the best reward I'm looking for.



At 1:27 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see you are overload on most of church responsiblities, glad you are enjoy all of it. Will keep pray for you going thru all of it

At 12:21 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes !! "Hea" and do nothing!!! Looking forward to a lazy afternoon with nothing to a cafe.... magazine....a good desert........

At 12:55 a.m. , Blogger Big Tomato said...

place to hea abd sharing !1


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