Sunday, February 12, 2006



���餈���拇��������������銵券�賢‵敺�敺�皛�, 銝餉����舀�����! ������������憌臬��! ���憪����暺����憭曹��撟唾﹛嚚� ��典予蝯���潭�其��銝�鈭�蝝����, ��臭誑�����典振銝哨�� ���銝�銝�憭���Y��憭芷��, ��嗅��銝����撌乩��, 銝�������憟嗉��, 銝����鈭怠��銋����鈭������芣��蝛粹��, �����脖����������瑞�����, �����臭誑���蟡���曉��閮�嚚� ��嗅祕�����箏��甇∩�����鈭箇��������嚚�


At 1:19 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A year ago, I thought only guys need their caves to hide themselves and make some adjustment. Within this half year, I realize girls needs our caves too...which I found pretty enjoy to be alone....


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