Monday, January 16, 2006

A reflection on ���憟芷熊�����芥��

:: A reflection on ���憟芷熊�����芥�� ::

Since 隡���� and 璇�閰���� announced their split to the world, the news have been non-stop. I've heard comments from people, who generally thinks Gigi was well deserved because she stole someone's boyfriend 6 years ago. This incedent makes me remind the power of media/ gossip in my life.

6 years ago, when the news of ���憟芷熊�����芥�� pops up, it was a big deal. Everyone gave 璇�閰���� a bad name for stealing someone's boyfriend. Her bad reputation never went away.

The truth is, I still remember I read an interview between ������ and 隡���� shortly after ���憟芷熊�����芥��, where he confessed he broke up with ��萇����� 6 months before he started going out with Gigi. This side of the story was shared by Gigi's manager in only 1 article since the break-up. I guess it's because no one bothers to boardcast a non-spicy story more than once, where ���憟芷熊�����芥�� is just so much more interesting, so the story sticks so much better in people's mind.

I've always keep a close eye on the entertainment news since young, I used to believe in everything the paper wrote until ���隞���� was found. The more I read the entertainment news, the more obvious pattern that I found. e.g. Jessica & Nick's coverage on In Touch: fighting --> divorce --> are they having 2nd thoughts --> working for a re-union? --> fighting again! Entertainment news just became a never ending soap opera until they find the next target. So I stop believing it and read it as pure fictions.
I became skeptical in everything. How much should I believe what I read? What I heard from others? It might make me a better Christian by questioning everything or it might weaken my faith. Who knows? But I was mindful not to become a ���隞���� at the same time. I'll only stick to my truth.

One thing that I learnt for sure is why not care about my family and friends more since they are real, than these fictional stories.



At 7:19 p.m. , Blogger Auriel said...

I agree totally! Very often, the entertainment "news" are spiced up to get more readers. Besides, only people who are involved really know what happened. The comments by others are mere speculations that can very well be false. ^__^

At 5:12 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

About the story of Gigi at that time, I was very mad and angry. Coz I really hate the person who beging 3rd person who stole somebody's bf. After years later, I really don't care media's gossip much, maybe getting mature. Unless those story happen to my friends and family. I will feel very upset and disappoint wondering why they will do that.


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