Monday, February 13, 2006

Super Responsive God

:: Super Responsive God::

I've been stressing out on the current audit since last Thursday due to resourcing issue. To top it off, I have to coach a new staff on an audit I have never done before, and I haven't heard great comments on the new staff from my co-worker. I started to loss patient on this audit team before the audit starts, but I realized my attitude won't get me far. So I pray to God last night, the night before I start the audit to grant me extra patient, extra love for my audit team before I go to bed.

Then God's responses to me immediately, HE gave me ACT 13:13 and 15:36-41:

John Mark had to prove himself to Paul that he is trust worthy as a friend, after he disappointed Paul back in Pamphylia. The bible didn't explain what John Mark did, but he was able to won Paul's friendship and trust back eventually, and became Paul's dear friend (Colossians 4:10).

I kind of look at John Mark's weakness and tried to understand the pain he has to went through before he earned the trust from Paul again. I guess I could see where my co-workers are coming from. They are inexperienced, already stressing themselves out in the new responsibility, so should I be liked Paul to throw stones at them when they are weak? If Jesus is always patient with my shortcoming, shouldn't I learn to be patient with others' shortcomings?

God is so amusing, HE always smack me hard whenever I need HIS guideline the most.



At 8:30 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love and value every word that God gave in every situation. It is of great source for us as you publish your spiritual dairy. Thanks.


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