Monday, August 28, 2006


@ 蕃薯公主 @

為滿足大家對我的蕃薯外姪女的好奇, 我特別為大家帶來她的玉照o 佢真係有d?更更, 希望在「羅氏」門下長大後, 依然能擁有無堅不吹的自信心! 哈哈! (我的口才同轉數是集兩家大成於一身啊! 哈哈!) 我有時都驚小小年記的她受不了大人的笑話o 不過, 我都是這樣挺了過來, 所以應該OK啦!

花名: 蕃薯公主(她自封的!)

嗜好: 食同.......食

特技: 縮肚(?), 論論盡盡

最愛: 粉紅色同Cinnamoroll from Sanrio

不過, 說真的, 其實都掛住佢o 因為我覺得佢有d似我細個, 除了「為食」 =) 我?約好明年5月, 我?一齊去Ocean Parko

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A Family Girl

:: A Family Girl ::

Recently I have been really upset at work, mainly due to some comments I got from a senior manager. I was super busy in the past week, trying to work as much as I can so I can take this week off to spend time with my sister's family from HK.

It's so unlike me to take the extra effort to spend time with family, cause I'm always the "Go Go"/ "Will do things for friends but not for family" person. But I guess as I grow older, I begin to treasure something that come with an expiry tag, such as family.

We aren't doing anything exciting, just plan to hang out with my niece whom I've witnessed from her birth to baby steps before she moved back to HK. It has only been 2 days, but I already came to the conclusion that I can't never feed this girl completely! She eats from the moment she gets up till she goes to bed. Her mouth is fully occupied the whole time, either with eating/ talking or laughing. It's very funny! Man, it's hard to be a parent, especially if your kid eats A LOT! haha! =D

She told her mom, my sister, that she thinks she is a "princess" cause she doesn't know how to do anything. Her mom's response was, "No, you're just a potato." She said, "Oh, then I'm Potato Princess." She actually reminds me quite a bit of my kid's era and now with this name, how can I ignore the fact that we are related by blood? =D


Friday, August 11, 2006

The Road to Recovery

~~ The Road to Recovery ~~

It has been a while since I last updated my blog. It was a period for me to relax, slow down and to pick up myself. Someone warned me that I might got "Elijah Syndrome" because I finally slow down from all the projects I was involved in for the past 6 months. I did a little digging and found an article called,
"Protect Yourself From the "Elijah Syndrome" . I thought I'd share with you all. Especially the ones who are busy with serving. Watch out! =) After I did some thinking, I decided the one quality that I want the most is discipline and persistence at the current stage.

Other than my professional license, I don't remember having the perseverance in pursuing anything else. If it wasn't for the grace of God, I don't think I can be a Christian for this long. So I force myself to pick up a sport that I dropped for almost 2 years. Let's see how far I can go this time. =)

To get myself out of this syndrome, I decided to push myself to start with small task. So I updated the board next to the library at church. It might not be as pretty as it could be, because it has been a VERY long time since I did one. However, it lets me get back to gear slowly. Thank you for the sister who helped me out doing this. =) It was quite fun.

Next goal: Picking myself up for work! I need my work spirit back. I'm sure it will come when I'm facing my next audit, which is one of the most complex audits within my team.
