Friday, January 26, 2007

Last day at TD

:: Last Day at TD ::

I started at TD on Oct 1, 2003. 3 years later, I decided to move on for a change of environment. I start this job at the same time when I reallocate from Mississauga to Markham, and the time I decided to serve as the chairman in fellowship. Talking about stress! =D

When I review what I've learned from this job in the past 3 years. I'm truely grateful for this opportunity to shape me to be a better servant in church:

1) A chance to move from an public accounting firm to the industry, allowing me to have more work-life balance.

2) The job required doing risk assessments, which forced me to do more critical thinking. It improved my decision-making.

3) I have to present the audit findings to the auditees and get their buy-in. It improved my presentation/ bargaining skill. (Although still requires quite a bit of improvement on this one! haha!)

4) Acted as project manager of audits, which improved my project management skills in managing church's projects, such as Spring Conference.

Although I have a lot of complaints about this job, but I realized God uses every opportunity to shape us. Our gifts are not only utilized in church setting; otherwise, we're thinking too little of God. HE uses our job to shape our skills to serve in HIS body, to make us whole.


Sunday, January 07, 2007

My Decision

:: My Decision ::

The story continues from my previous post:

Day 1: I prayed to God only to give me the offer, if this is what HE prepares for me. Should I accept this? Even though I'm uncertain about the work load/ the specifications about the job? I prayed for a peaceful heart as a confirmation.

Day 2: MSN with ex co-worker while working at home that day.

Co-worker: How do you know if this is from God? You took the most possible job, the one that you most qualify for out there! Maybe I'm the sign from God to tell you not to accept this offer.

Prayer continue and God gave me 2 Kings 18:6-7 the same night to give me peace.

Day 3: Another person gave me the same comment as my co-worker did, but "counselor #1" encourages me to take the opportunity to learn something new.

Day 4: I spoke to the head hunter to clarify job specifications to ease off my worry, and I got encouragement from "counselor #2".

Day 5: I signed the offer! Start date is Feb 5/07.

I truely treasured every experience when God speak to me so clearly, and thank you those who prayed for me during this process. =D