Saturday, January 28, 2006



������������鈭箏�����閰脣�����閬�������鈭�, 憭望�����鈭箏�芸����芸楛��暹��������鈭����嚚� �����亦����圈����亥店, �����嗆��銝���臭�����������皜湔�����������鈭�, 雿����������雿���箸�������箇��敺���賣����������抒�脩移蟡�嚚�
��抒�脣����砌��憭芸��憭芸��, 靘�憒�:
1) ��仿��������銝�敹急��, �����衣�∪��銝�鈭�, �����餉店摰���唬��?
2) ���閰血��銝������曉�瑕拿���雿����鈭箏��������
3) ������撌脫��憭芸�����鞎砌遙, 雿�靘���園�����靽∪����餌匱蝥�摮貊����踵��
4) ������敺���喟�刻�芸歇������憟賢�餅�暸��敹����, 雿����摮貊����望�������刻��蝬�銝�, ��冽�����鈭�撌乩��
5) ...

憟賢��敺������西����抒��������, ���銋�銝�閬�敺���箇����抒�脤��隞�暻踝�� �����芣�舀�喳��銝����銝����隞斤��憭梁旨���憟喳�����撌�, ��箔��暻賡�賡��暻賡��?

撘� ��� ��� ��� ��� 銝� ��� 隞� ��� ��� 撌� 撌� 蝬� 敺� ��� 鈭� 嚗� ��� ��� ��� 銝� 隞� 鈭� ��� 撠� ��� 敹� 閮� ��� 敺� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� 璅� 蝡� ��� 頝� ��� 閬� 敺� ��� 蟡� ��� ��� ��� ��� 蝛� 鋆� 敺� 銝� ��� ��� ��� 靘� 敺� ��� ��� 鞈� ���(���3:13-14)

Monday, January 16, 2006

A reflection on ���憟芷熊�����芥��

:: A reflection on ���憟芷熊�����芥�� ::

Since 隡���� and 璇�閰���� announced their split to the world, the news have been non-stop. I've heard comments from people, who generally thinks Gigi was well deserved because she stole someone's boyfriend 6 years ago. This incedent makes me remind the power of media/ gossip in my life.

6 years ago, when the news of ���憟芷熊�����芥�� pops up, it was a big deal. Everyone gave 璇�閰���� a bad name for stealing someone's boyfriend. Her bad reputation never went away.

The truth is, I still remember I read an interview between ������ and 隡���� shortly after ���憟芷熊�����芥��, where he confessed he broke up with ��萇����� 6 months before he started going out with Gigi. This side of the story was shared by Gigi's manager in only 1 article since the break-up. I guess it's because no one bothers to boardcast a non-spicy story more than once, where ���憟芷熊�����芥�� is just so much more interesting, so the story sticks so much better in people's mind.

I've always keep a close eye on the entertainment news since young, I used to believe in everything the paper wrote until ���隞���� was found. The more I read the entertainment news, the more obvious pattern that I found. e.g. Jessica & Nick's coverage on In Touch: fighting --> divorce --> are they having 2nd thoughts --> working for a re-union? --> fighting again! Entertainment news just became a never ending soap opera until they find the next target. So I stop believing it and read it as pure fictions.
I became skeptical in everything. How much should I believe what I read? What I heard from others? It might make me a better Christian by questioning everything or it might weaken my faith. Who knows? But I was mindful not to become a ���隞���� at the same time. I'll only stick to my truth.

One thing that I learnt for sure is why not care about my family and friends more since they are real, than these fictional stories.


Monday, January 09, 2006

Professional Slacker

~ Professional Slacker ~

After 1 month of non-important work, I've to go back to the reality ~ auditing. After sitting at my desk for 7 hours, I'm still not motivated. I think I've become a professional slacker for the last month, and it is hard to shack this mode off. The fact is, my lack of resting is properly not helping the situation neither. =P Although people usually see me as a hard working person, the truth is, I'm a natural born slacker. I'm only hard working when the "responsible" side of me takes over and there are times that I don't really care about anything in the world.

Jan 10: I'm on a quest to find the "responsible" side of me.
