Thursday, November 24, 2005



After rushing like a mad lady and slaving myself to keep going and going for the last quarter, work is finally slowing down for now (let's hope it will last longer than 1/2 day). Oh yeah baby!

For those who wondered why I haven't stick to my plan (one dinner per week with a girl pal to have real in-depth sharing rather than my usual TV talk), I'll be back on my track again. So feel free to book my dates. =>


Who am I?...Personality quizzes

~Who Am I?...Personality quizzes~

1) Little Prince Quiz

You are the drawing.

Saint Exupery's 'The Little Prince' Quiz. Brought to you by Quizilla

2) Personality test results from SpeakStrong, inc.

VISIONARY: People-Oriented with a Swift Pace
You are highly social and like to be on the go. It's about fun and adventure for you. You tend to be the center of attention in any group and that's the way you like it. You look toward the future and are full of ideas of possibilities. You thrive on change and innovation. You appeal to the imagination of your listener. People find your words inspiring and find themselves persuaded by you. You are idealistic and visionary, and you can inspire vision in others and motivate them. You also are very fun!

3) MBTI - According to MBTI, I'm ESTJ.


I'm confused as I think #1 result seem contradicting with #2 and 3, so what am I, really?


Saturday, November 19, 2005

Public Speaking

++Public Speaking ++

I can still remember the first time I shared in Joshua Fellowship back to 4 years ago. My whole body was moving while I was so nervous. hehe! =) People normally turn into stone when they are nervous, but both of my hands were waving in the air and I kept kicking off my legs. It was quite funny. Since that incident, I vowed to stand still when I speak in public. After couple years of training in fellowship, I'm now pretty comfortable to speak in public at church. However, it's a different story at work. I'm pretty chatty to my co-workers during normal days; however, I'd turn red when I speak up in team/ client meetings and my speech will started to be blurring. =P But why shall I be nervous? Were my points stupid? I don't think so. Do I have a strong accent that people might not understand? I don't think so!? Since I wanted to work on that since I realized this gap between my work and church life. Then surprisingly, my manager also suggested me to take training on presentation skill and to lead some team training in 2006 as part of my career goal.

God never fails, HE always use every opportunity to train us to become someone better.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Grammar class

[Grammar class]

In light of utilizing my dept's training budget, I decided to enroll into a grammar workshop. =) Although I spent most of my school life in H.K., but I don't think I was formally trained in grammar. 1/2 of the reason was because I went to a "Chinese Chinese" high school, and 1/2 of the reason is properly because I didn't really know how to "learn" until I came to Canada.

Having finish school for couple of years, I'm surprised that I can still adjust to class pretty well and I'm actually enjoying this class even though it's just grammar. Let's hope I can retain what I learnt. =)

Wore out

::Wore out::

It has been busy at work for the past few weeks lately and it starts to wore me out. In between my work schedule and TV watching, I lost time for everything else, including my weekly dinner with a girl pal for a deep chart and updating my blog.

Now that my crazy TV watching time is over (yeah! the coupon expired. =P), I'm still struggling with my work load. Have you ever feel lonely at work? Feel like you're the only one fighting the battle? This is how I felt recently. I got 9 other team members in my group, but only 3 of us are doing bulk of the work. The rest are having the time of their lives and thinking we work in a country club...sigh...

I think I'm a hard working person most of the time and work is work. We all have busy vs. non-busy time. However, the feeling of being mistreated and unfair is not exactly motivating. May God give me wisdom and patient when my co-workers and I address our concern to our manager next week.