Saturday, October 29, 2005


~~霈� ~~

隞���交��蝒���嗥�潸死��芸楛憟賢��霈�鈭���� 隤�霅����鈭箇�臭��鈭�憭折��, �����喳�����������敹������∟����詨��, ��曉�冽����餅��閬�銋���箄郎������ 瘙�蟡�雿踵�����撘�, ��亙�典��銝���������萎��頠�撘晞�� �����箄�芸楛銋�銝������臬��甇方��撌脯��

Saturday, October 15, 2005



隞�憭拇�臬��憟����coffee house, ���雓�雓�鋡桃��������瞍���望����� 憒������單��, ���隞���交�曉極���閰脫��銝�憭芷����押�� ��孵�交�����銝���剔�����, ���雓�蟡���賣��蟡�蝳�, 靽�摰�Go Train��a����⊿�餌�������訌ichmond Hill��� 雿�銝���乩�����, ���畾萇�剔��15���������頠�蝔���餅扔憟�蝺拇�U�� ���憒���臬像���, �����航�賢歇蝬���游��憭抒蔥鈭���� 雿�隞�憭抵��������������, ��亙╳��仿��擛潛�����憟�, 銝�閬�隞方�芸楛敹���拇除頨�, 敶梢�蹂��憟�蟡����璈������� ���隞亙�典��頠�������銝�, �����餅����梯��蝢�蟡����閰拇��, 擃����蟡������������� 擳�擛潭����單��敹���拇除頨����? ���撠望��靽�摰���扯ㄨ���撟喳��, �����箸��靽∠��敹���������︷offee house������蝔���� ���雓�蟡�! ������敺�皞����餈���唳��������
��嗥�啣��霈�敺���∪�����, ��餅��靽�������憓���萇�詨�����敹���������臬����拐��������

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Sudden Departure

::Sudden Departure::

I was really exciting 10 min ago for the new look of my blog. Then the feeling went away the moment I read about one of my friends lost her grandpa. I went through the same sorrow about a year ago when I lost my grandpa.

I remembered I was speechless when I heard the news from my mom and just sat there for 5 min... then I was kicking myself not going back to HK visiting him sooner, so I can see him one last time before he passed away. I told myself that I'll learn how to treasure my family when they are still around me, but I often forgot this lesson I learnt when they get on my case.

It is time to review the lesson.

*Note to my friend: dear, you're in my prayers.*

Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Right Focus

::The Right Focus::
Tonight was my least favourite fellowship program for the year again ��� committee election night. It was great that we can put a twist into it by allowing us to do a little more personal sharing rather than try to be a ���visionary��� person. =) Unfortunately, majority of the sharing or the ���talk��� was on my shoulders again. Since it is so close to my birthday, I didn���t have time to prepare the ���talk��� ahead of time. I prepare most of the presentation material the night before, and stay up till 3 a.m. to finish my speech.

I was so nervous about the speech on the next day; I was rehearsing it when I was on the road, taking a break at work. Although I speak in public quite often, I was extra nervous this round. I worried whether the speech will be interesting, whether it can catch people���s attention or whether I can remember all of my points, etc.

My heart was beating fast right before the speech. So as usual, I recited the Fellowship Theme Verse ���Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.��� Jos 1:9 and pray for a peaceful heart.

Suddenly, I realized what went wrong. Instead of hoping people to know the true picture of the fellowship committee, I was hoping to perform well. I focused on myself instead. I repent to my LORD, and ask HIM to use me as a media for people to understand what ���planning committee��� is all about. After the prayer, I was totally claim and was able to share my speech worry-free. I was also able to remember all the points without stressing out myself.

LORD, I thank you for the lesson.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

My Surprise Birthday Party (Part II)

**My Surprise Birthday Party (Part II)**

Ms. Cuttie Pie's birthday adventure continues after the "Surprise Party on Sunday"

Sick Kit and Little Tim trick Ms. Cuttie Pie to Sick Kit's house after dinner on Tuesday. After her W.C. visit, a group of 12 people standing in front of the W.C. door with a huge b-day cake and yelled "Happy Birthday!" Ms. Cuttie Pie was really impressed and felt luck out for Queen of Disorganize this time, because Mr. Forgetful Zebra did not ruin the secret this round! =)

Ms. Cuttie Pie was stuffed after the dinner with dessert (crape with ice-cream) and a big piece of cake. She is now on the diet adventure.

Everyone lives happy ever after, except Mr. Forgetful Zebra as his judgment day has yet to come.

Update on mysterious:
#1 - I concluded that there was a theme for my presents this year since I got another lovely necklace and 2 princess crowns. =P Can't wait for my diamond next year! ^0^

#2 - Accomplished, with the help of Pro.

#3 - Thank you for PoPo's ordering, Jess M's weight lifting exercise and Michael's driving! ^0^

#4 - Still outstanding...stay tune. =P

Special thanks to:
- Queen of Disorganize for organizing this event. It was actually well-planned with good execution except the little oops with Mr. Forgetful Zebra.
- Mr. Empty Box for giving up his O.T. money for my b-day! You better start saving for my next year b-day present! ^0^
- Sick Kit and Little Tim for buying me dinner twice! ^0^
- Everyone who remember my b-day. I love you guys!


Sunday, October 02, 2005

My "Surprise" Birthday Party

::My "Surprise" Birthday Party::

Today has been a very special day for me. It has been a long day, so I've to break it down into parts.

Part 1
It is my first day to join the church council meeting, which I kinda feel like a little kid joining the grown-up party. You know, like little kids playing on the side table while their parents are playing Mah-jongg. =) It was a pleasant experience overall. =)

Part 2
After the meeting, Angel & Gary took me out for a little shopping before dinner. I knew it's going to a birthday party for me but the size of party was an unknown. Turns out a total of 20 people showed up! Thank you guys! You guys are the best and absolutely make my day!

But wait! I got a secret to spill! A must-read for all the party goers!

2 to 3 weeks ago, Ms. Cuttie Pie (I wonder who that is!?) was chatting with Mr. Forgetful Zebra (I've changed the identity to protect this individual) one day, trying to book a date with him for dinner. Mr. Forgetful Zebra was going through his Palm entries, an entry of "b-day party for Ms. Cuttie Pie" all the sudden pops up in front of both of them. There was dead air for 2 sec. They looked at each other and bust out laughing.

Mr. Forgetful Zebra ("FZ"): "Don't you dare to tell anyone!"

Ms. Cuttie Pie ("CP", still catching her breath): "OK OK, but no one has booked me yet!?"

FZ (shamelessly): "Uh!? I don't know. hehehe! But I can tell you that it is not the first time I've done thing like this! Hahaha!"

Then the Friday before the "Surprise" b-day party. Ms. Cuttie Pie finally received a voice mail from Queen of Usher to get together for dinner on Sunday. Being a considerate person, Ms. Cuttie Pie was concerned whether she will be double booked and disappoint some of her caring (yet disorganized) friends, so she called Mr. Forgetful Zebra.

CP: "Hey you! I finally got a call from Queen of Usher for dinner on Sunday. But is it the same party? I don't want you guys to throw a b-day party without the b-day person ar!"

FZ: "Uh!? I don't know. Let me check the e-mail that was sent by Queen of Disorganize and get back to you."

CP: "Oh! Now I know why no one has booked me for this surprise b-day party then!"

15 min later...

FZ: "Aiyi! I can't find the e-mail! I must have deleted it. But I think I remember seeing Queen of Usher's name on the address list. But if Queen of Disorganize is throwing a party, Queen of Usher must be part of it too!"

(You actually would think little smart CP would count on FZ's memory!? Then you're wrong! It was the logic that she agreed on.)

FZ: "Anyway, if there are actually 2 parties and you can't show up on mine, it's all Queen of Disorganize's fault and let her take the blame! I'm warning you! Don't you dare to spill this to anyone!"

CP: "uh!? OK then... I'll accept Queen of Usher's invite."

Luckily, turns out there was only one party at the end and everyone lives happily ever after.

Now that I spilled the secret, I feel soooo much better! (^0^) But there are still mysteries to resolve:

#1 - Is there a theme for my presents this year? Everything I received is jewelry related items which is kind of strange. They are all very nice and since I didn't get any ear rings, I know my friends know me well! =>

#2 - The crystal necklaces that I got have no hooks on them. I have no idea how to put them on. But don't you guys worry and start hunting for another gift! I've a pro (i.e. Kitty) to help me later this week. =>

#3 - First b-day party without a birthday cake. Oh, I'm not complaining since green tea ice-cream was super.

#4 - I wonder how long Mr. Forgetful Zebra will live....hahaha!

Once again, I'm really thankful to have friends like you guys. Someone told me, "God take away something to give you something better." It's true, my friends are way better! => I love you guys! =)
